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District Clinic
Welcome to the District Clinic page. On this page, we will be offering the necessary forms and policies for your child's health needs during school hours. Throughout the course of the school year, we will be adding information relating to seasonal health issues. Please check back frequently for updates.
1 dose of Tdap
1 dose of Meningitis (MCV4)
All students entering 12th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:
1-2 doses of Meningitis (MCV4) with one dose given after age 16.
State law requires written verification of these immunizations no later than the 15th day of school. If your student does not have the required immunizations, please contact your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Please contact Mrs. Knoske, RN, the school nurse at 3308725121 ext. 1024 or knosker@nfschools.org if you need additional information.
To see the form, go to Mobile Dentist Form
To view the current immunization requirements, go to Current Immunization Requirements
To see the full form, go to Asthma Parent Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with asthma, please complete the School Asthma Action Plan form and have your child's physician sign it.
To see the full form, go to Asthma Action Plan
For the complete form, go to Emergency Medical Authorization Form
To see the form, go to Parent Allergy Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with a specific food allergy, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Food Allergy Plan
If your student has an allergy to bees/wasps, latex, or anything other than food, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
To see the form, go to Parent Seizure Questionnaire
In addition to the questionnaire, please complete the seizure action plan. Please have your student's physician sign the action plan.
To see the form, go to Seizure Action Plan
For the full information, go to When Should My Child Stay Home?
To read a guide that has important information to help parents learn more about the flu, how they can prevent getting it, how to spot it, how long it is able to be spread to others and what to do if your child is sick or VERY sick, go to Flu Guide for Parents
Please read the document and talk about these things with your children so that we can prevent the spread of the flu.
Go here to view the policy
To see the form, go to Medication Form A
To see the form, go to Medication Form B
Go here to view the policy.
live and feed on the human scalp. Read the information below to see guidelines that outline the necessary measures needed to treat head lice.
To see the head lice treatment guidelines, go to Head Lice Treatment Guidelines
Participants are NOT permitted in the building until 4:00 PM due to student dismissal. If you arrive before 4:00 PM, please remain in your vehicle until that time.
The program is open to all Newton Falls residents. Individuals under eighteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Sign-in is required.
Immunization Requirements for Students Entering 7th and 12th Grade
All students entering 7th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:1 dose of Tdap
1 dose of Meningitis (MCV4)
All students entering 12th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:
1-2 doses of Meningitis (MCV4) with one dose given after age 16.
State law requires written verification of these immunizations no later than the 15th day of school. If your student does not have the required immunizations, please contact your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Please contact Mrs. Knoske, RN, the school nurse at 3308725121 ext. 1024 or knosker@nfschools.org if you need additional information.
Mobile Dentist Form
Our school has joined with Ohio Dental Outreach to offer in-school dental care. Taking care of your child's teeth is important to keep them healthy. A state licensed dentist will regularly check your child's mouth and teeth, as well as provide a cleaning, x-rays (as necessary), fluoride treatment, and apply sealants (as needed). A dental report card will be sent home with your child. Includes initial dental care and follow-up visits.To see the form, go to Mobile Dentist Form
Current Covid Guidance for Newton Falls Schools
To read the current Covid guidance, go to March 2024 Covid GuidelinesImmunization Requirements
Please review the Ohio Department of Health immunization requirements for school attendance and make sure your child is up to date.To view the current immunization requirements, go to Current Immunization Requirements
Asthma Forms
If your child has asthma, please make sure to complete the asthma questionnaire.To see the full form, go to Asthma Parent Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with asthma, please complete the School Asthma Action Plan form and have your child's physician sign it.
To see the full form, go to Asthma Action Plan
Emergency Care Form
Completion of this form is required for every student enrolled within the school district. Separate forms are required by High School and Junior High Students for field trips and sports. Please see the high school office for details.For the complete form, go to Emergency Medical Authorization Form
If your child has any allergies of any sort, please fill out the Parent Allergy QuestionnaireTo see the form, go to Parent Allergy Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with a specific food allergy, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Food Allergy Plan
If your student has an allergy to bees/wasps, latex, or anything other than food, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
If your student has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder, please complete the parent questionnaire.To see the form, go to Parent Seizure Questionnaire
In addition to the questionnaire, please complete the seizure action plan. Please have your student's physician sign the action plan.
To see the form, go to Seizure Action Plan
When Should My Child Stay Home From School?
Many times parents and guardians are not sure when to keep a child at home due to illness. If you have any questions and when or if you should do so, please refer to the following information about communicable diseases which can help guide you as you make this decision.For the full information, go to When Should My Child Stay Home?
A Flu Guide For Parents
Every year, the flu starts hitting everyone harder and harder. By getting more information about the flu, you can help prevent you and your children from becoming sick.To read a guide that has important information to help parents learn more about the flu, how they can prevent getting it, how to spot it, how long it is able to be spread to others and what to do if your child is sick or VERY sick, go to Flu Guide for Parents
Please read the document and talk about these things with your children so that we can prevent the spread of the flu.
District Medication Administration Policy
Please review this policy if your child requires medication during school hours.Go here to view the policy
Medication Form A
Download this form if your child requires a prescription medication to be administered during school hours. This form needs to be signed by the parent and physician in order for the medication to be administered.To see the form, go to Medication Form A
Medication Form B
Download this form if your child requires a non-prescription medication to be administered during school hours. This form needs to be signed by the parent only.To see the form, go to Medication Form B
Head Lice Policy
Please review this policy that outlines the district's procedures for dealing with the issue.Go here to view the policy.
Head Lice Treatment Guidelines
Head lice are small beige/brownish insects no larger than the size of sesame seeds thatlive and feed on the human scalp. Read the information below to see guidelines that outline the necessary measures needed to treat head lice.
To see the head lice treatment guidelines, go to Head Lice Treatment Guidelines
Walk Warm Program
The Walk Warm Program has returned to the Elementary/Middle School through Friday, May 17th. The program takes place Monday through Friday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on days when school is open.Participants are NOT permitted in the building until 4:00 PM due to student dismissal. If you arrive before 4:00 PM, please remain in your vehicle until that time.
The program is open to all Newton Falls residents. Individuals under eighteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Sign-in is required.
Talking to Children About Cancer
A cancer diagnosis can be very difficult for a family to navigate. It can be especially difficult to tell your child that their loved one has terminal cancer. That said, there are many ways to support your children as they face the challenge of a sick loved one. Learn more about tips you can use when talking to your children about cancer by going to this link.
JH/HS Nurse
Mrs. Rhonda Knoske
District Clinic
909 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444
Phone: Call Buildings
Fax: 330-872-3351
District Clinic
Welcome to the District Clinic page. On this page, we will be offering the necessary forms and policies for your child's health needs during school hours. Throughout the course of the school year, we will be adding information relating to seasonal health issues. Please check back frequently for updates.
1 dose of Tdap
1 dose of Meningitis (MCV4)
All students entering 12th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:
1-2 doses of Meningitis (MCV4) with one dose given after age 16.
State law requires written verification of these immunizations no later than the 15th day of school. If your student does not have the required immunizations, please contact your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Please contact Mrs. Knoske, RN, the school nurse at 3308725121 ext. 1024 or knosker@nfschools.org if you need additional information.
To see the form, go to Mobile Dentist Form
To view the current immunization requirements, go to Current Immunization Requirements
To see the full form, go to Asthma Parent Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with asthma, please complete the School Asthma Action Plan form and have your child's physician sign it.
To see the full form, go to Asthma Action Plan
For the complete form, go to Emergency Medical Authorization Form
To see the form, go to Parent Allergy Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with a specific food allergy, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Food Allergy Plan
If your student has an allergy to bees/wasps, latex, or anything other than food, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
To see the form, go to Parent Seizure Questionnaire
In addition to the questionnaire, please complete the seizure action plan. Please have your student's physician sign the action plan.
To see the form, go to Seizure Action Plan
For the full information, go to When Should My Child Stay Home?
To read a guide that has important information to help parents learn more about the flu, how they can prevent getting it, how to spot it, how long it is able to be spread to others and what to do if your child is sick or VERY sick, go to Flu Guide for Parents
Please read the document and talk about these things with your children so that we can prevent the spread of the flu.
Go here to view the policy
To see the form, go to Medication Form A
To see the form, go to Medication Form B
Go here to view the policy.
live and feed on the human scalp. Read the information below to see guidelines that outline the necessary measures needed to treat head lice.
To see the head lice treatment guidelines, go to Head Lice Treatment Guidelines
Participants are NOT permitted in the building until 4:00 PM due to student dismissal. If you arrive before 4:00 PM, please remain in your vehicle until that time.
The program is open to all Newton Falls residents. Individuals under eighteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Sign-in is required.
Immunization Requirements for Students Entering 7th and 12th Grade
All students entering 7th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:1 dose of Tdap
1 dose of Meningitis (MCV4)
All students entering 12th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:
1-2 doses of Meningitis (MCV4) with one dose given after age 16.
State law requires written verification of these immunizations no later than the 15th day of school. If your student does not have the required immunizations, please contact your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Please contact Mrs. Knoske, RN, the school nurse at 3308725121 ext. 1024 or knosker@nfschools.org if you need additional information.
Mobile Dentist Form
Our school has joined with Ohio Dental Outreach to offer in-school dental care. Taking care of your child's teeth is important to keep them healthy. A state licensed dentist will regularly check your child's mouth and teeth, as well as provide a cleaning, x-rays (as necessary), fluoride treatment, and apply sealants (as needed). A dental report card will be sent home with your child. Includes initial dental care and follow-up visits.To see the form, go to Mobile Dentist Form
Current Covid Guidance for Newton Falls Schools
To read the current Covid guidance, go to March 2024 Covid GuidelinesImmunization Requirements
Please review the Ohio Department of Health immunization requirements for school attendance and make sure your child is up to date.To view the current immunization requirements, go to Current Immunization Requirements
Asthma Forms
If your child has asthma, please make sure to complete the asthma questionnaire.To see the full form, go to Asthma Parent Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with asthma, please complete the School Asthma Action Plan form and have your child's physician sign it.
To see the full form, go to Asthma Action Plan
Emergency Care Form
Completion of this form is required for every student enrolled within the school district. Separate forms are required by High School and Junior High Students for field trips and sports. Please see the high school office for details.For the complete form, go to Emergency Medical Authorization Form
If your child has any allergies of any sort, please fill out the Parent Allergy QuestionnaireTo see the form, go to Parent Allergy Questionnaire
If your student has been diagnosed with a specific food allergy, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Food Allergy Plan
If your student has an allergy to bees/wasps, latex, or anything other than food, please complete this form and have your child's physician sign it.
For the full form, go to Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
If your student has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder, please complete the parent questionnaire.To see the form, go to Parent Seizure Questionnaire
In addition to the questionnaire, please complete the seizure action plan. Please have your student's physician sign the action plan.
To see the form, go to Seizure Action Plan
When Should My Child Stay Home From School?
Many times parents and guardians are not sure when to keep a child at home due to illness. If you have any questions and when or if you should do so, please refer to the following information about communicable diseases which can help guide you as you make this decision.For the full information, go to When Should My Child Stay Home?
A Flu Guide For Parents
Every year, the flu starts hitting everyone harder and harder. By getting more information about the flu, you can help prevent you and your children from becoming sick.To read a guide that has important information to help parents learn more about the flu, how they can prevent getting it, how to spot it, how long it is able to be spread to others and what to do if your child is sick or VERY sick, go to Flu Guide for Parents
Please read the document and talk about these things with your children so that we can prevent the spread of the flu.
District Medication Administration Policy
Please review this policy if your child requires medication during school hours.Go here to view the policy
Medication Form A
Download this form if your child requires a prescription medication to be administered during school hours. This form needs to be signed by the parent and physician in order for the medication to be administered.To see the form, go to Medication Form A
Medication Form B
Download this form if your child requires a non-prescription medication to be administered during school hours. This form needs to be signed by the parent only.To see the form, go to Medication Form B
Head Lice Policy
Please review this policy that outlines the district's procedures for dealing with the issue.Go here to view the policy.
Head Lice Treatment Guidelines
Head lice are small beige/brownish insects no larger than the size of sesame seeds thatlive and feed on the human scalp. Read the information below to see guidelines that outline the necessary measures needed to treat head lice.
To see the head lice treatment guidelines, go to Head Lice Treatment Guidelines
Walk Warm Program
The Walk Warm Program has returned to the Elementary/Middle School through Friday, May 17th. The program takes place Monday through Friday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM on days when school is open.Participants are NOT permitted in the building until 4:00 PM due to student dismissal. If you arrive before 4:00 PM, please remain in your vehicle until that time.
The program is open to all Newton Falls residents. Individuals under eighteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Sign-in is required.
Talking to Children About Cancer
A cancer diagnosis can be very difficult for a family to navigate. It can be especially difficult to tell your child that their loved one has terminal cancer. That said, there are many ways to support your children as they face the challenge of a sick loved one. Learn more about tips you can use when talking to your children about cancer by going to this link.
JH/HS Nurse
Mrs. Rhonda Knoske
District Clinic
909 1/2 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, Ohio 44444
Phone: Call Buildings
Fax: 330-872-3351