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ELMS ActivitiesELMS Bell ScheduleDistrict Code of Character, Conduct, and Support ELMS PBIS
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Middle School Student Council
ELMS Weekly Parent Newsletter Resource Officer
ELMS Remote Purple Schedule Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Staff Directory
ELMS Supply Lists Third Grade Reading Guarantee
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Online Grades (Parent/Student Access)
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Final Forms
District Newsletter District Forms and Documents
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Tiger Sports
Ohio State Testing
Ohio Improvement Process
Elementary/Middle School
News and Information
Bus Routes - UPDATED
The current bus routes (updated on Friday, August 30th), are as follows:To see ELMS AM Bus Routes, go to ELMS AM Routes
To see JHHS AM Bus Routes, go to JHHS AM Routes
To see ELMS PM Bus Routes, go to ELMS PM Routes
To see JHHS PM Bus Routes, go to JHHS PM Routes
For the newest Transportation update, go to Transportation Update
Immunization Reminder to Parents/Guardians of Students entering 7th and 12th Grades
All students entering 7th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:1 dose of Tdap
1 dose of Meningitis (MCV4)
All students entering 12th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:
1-2 doses of Meningitis (MCV4) with one dose given after age 16.
State law requires written verification of these immunizations no later than the 15th day of school. If your student does not have the required immunizations, please contact your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Please contact Mrs. Knoske, RN, the school nurse at 3308725121 ext. 1024 or if you need additional information.
Board of Education Meeting
The Newton Falls Exempted Village School District will be having the Regular September Board Meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be held in the Junior/Senior High School Library.ELMS Trunk or Treat
Join us on Thursday, October 24th, for a Trunk or Treat event held in the Elementary/Middle School parking lot from 5:00-6:00 PM!Come join the teachers and local businesses in the parking lot for a night of fun! This event is for Newton Falls students and families!
Sign Up for PaySchools Central
With PaySchools Central, you can securely and quickly pay for your student's breakfast and lunch, set up reminders and alerts, review their purchases, access detailed reports, and manage payments anytime, anywhere, on any device.Visit or download the app from the Apple app store or Google Play.
Enter your profile details, select Register. Open the email from them, which contains a confirmation link to confirm your account and create a password.
Finish setting up your account by completing security questions, adding students, optional payment information, and notification settings.
To see the flyer from PaySchools, go to PaySchools Registration Flyer
School App
We are happy to announce that we now have a school app for your phone! This app contains quick links and easier access to important information for the district so you can check your child's grades, email the school, call the attendance line, etc.Please go to the link below from your cell phone and follow the instructions to install it on your home screen.
To get the app, go here.
Mission Vision
The staff of Newton Falls Elementary and Middle School believes that all students can succeed and are committed to providing the highest quality educational experience that develops all students' academic, social, and emotional competencies. We are committed to establishing and implementing purposeful practices that foster inclusivity of all students within a safe and respectful environment.The staff of Newton Falls Elementary and Middle School recognizes the importance and takes seriously our charge of laying the educational foundation for all students. We are committed to enriching our professional knowledge so that we deliver classroom instruction that is highly engaging, effective, and researched based across all academic settings. We will continue to foster high academic standards and behavioral expectations through our Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Program (PBIS), Leader In Me Leadership project, and data analysis. Furthermore, we are dedicated to building healthy relationships within our school community and recognize parents as partners.
Send A Note to School
If a parent must pick up a child early for a doctor's appointment, etc., the parent must send a note stating the reason and time the child will need to leave school. The parent must come to the main office to sign out the child. A child will not be called to the office until the parent arrives. If someone other than the parent is to pick up the child, the name of the designated person must be written on the student emergency enrollment card. Pictured identification may be required. Please include a phone number where you can be reached for verification.Gifted Student Information for Parents
Newton Falls Schools is committed to giving the best opportunities for all of our students.To read information for parents about our Gifted Student Program, go to Gifted Information for Parents
Elementary School K-3 Principal
Director of Special Services
Mrs. Lori Witt
Middle School 4-5 Principal
Transportation Supervisor
Mr. John Crowder
EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Molly Howard
EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Rhenea Shablesky
Grades: K-5
8:30 AM - Bus/Parent drop off
8:40 AM - Tardy Bell
3:15 PM Student Pick-up/Sign Out
3:30 PM - Buses Depart
Newton Falls Elementary/Middle School
905 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: 330-872-0695
Attendance: 330-872-0695 ext. 1055
Fax: 330-872-8327
Elementary/Middle School
News and Information
Bus Routes - UPDATED
The current bus routes (updated on Friday, August 30th), are as follows:To see ELMS AM Bus Routes, go to ELMS AM Routes
To see JHHS AM Bus Routes, go to JHHS AM Routes
To see ELMS PM Bus Routes, go to ELMS PM Routes
To see JHHS PM Bus Routes, go to JHHS PM Routes
For the newest Transportation update, go to Transportation Update
Immunization Reminder to Parents/Guardians of Students entering 7th and 12th Grades
All students entering 7th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:1 dose of Tdap
1 dose of Meningitis (MCV4)
All students entering 12th grade this fall are required to have the following immunizations:
1-2 doses of Meningitis (MCV4) with one dose given after age 16.
State law requires written verification of these immunizations no later than the 15th day of school. If your student does not have the required immunizations, please contact your healthcare provider to schedule an appointment. Please contact Mrs. Knoske, RN, the school nurse at 3308725121 ext. 1024 or if you need additional information.
Board of Education Meeting
The Newton Falls Exempted Village School District will be having the Regular September Board Meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be held in the Junior/Senior High School Library.ELMS Trunk or Treat
Join us on Thursday, October 24th, for a Trunk or Treat event held in the Elementary/Middle School parking lot from 5:00-6:00 PM!Come join the teachers and local businesses in the parking lot for a night of fun! This event is for Newton Falls students and families!
Sign Up for PaySchools Central
With PaySchools Central, you can securely and quickly pay for your student's breakfast and lunch, set up reminders and alerts, review their purchases, access detailed reports, and manage payments anytime, anywhere, on any device.Visit or download the app from the Apple app store or Google Play.
Enter your profile details, select Register. Open the email from them, which contains a confirmation link to confirm your account and create a password.
Finish setting up your account by completing security questions, adding students, optional payment information, and notification settings.
To see the flyer from PaySchools, go to PaySchools Registration Flyer
School App
We are happy to announce that we now have a school app for your phone! This app contains quick links and easier access to important information for the district so you can check your child's grades, email the school, call the attendance line, etc.Please go to the link below from your cell phone and follow the instructions to install it on your home screen.
To get the app, go here.
Mission Vision
The staff of Newton Falls Elementary and Middle School believes that all students can succeed and are committed to providing the highest quality educational experience that develops all students' academic, social, and emotional competencies. We are committed to establishing and implementing purposeful practices that foster inclusivity of all students within a safe and respectful environment.The staff of Newton Falls Elementary and Middle School recognizes the importance and takes seriously our charge of laying the educational foundation for all students. We are committed to enriching our professional knowledge so that we deliver classroom instruction that is highly engaging, effective, and researched based across all academic settings. We will continue to foster high academic standards and behavioral expectations through our Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Program (PBIS), Leader In Me Leadership project, and data analysis. Furthermore, we are dedicated to building healthy relationships within our school community and recognize parents as partners.
Send A Note to School
If a parent must pick up a child early for a doctor's appointment, etc., the parent must send a note stating the reason and time the child will need to leave school. The parent must come to the main office to sign out the child. A child will not be called to the office until the parent arrives. If someone other than the parent is to pick up the child, the name of the designated person must be written on the student emergency enrollment card. Pictured identification may be required. Please include a phone number where you can be reached for verification.Gifted Student Information for Parents
Newton Falls Schools is committed to giving the best opportunities for all of our students.To read information for parents about our Gifted Student Program, go to Gifted Information for Parents
Elementary School K-3 Principal
Director of Special Services
Mrs. Lori Witt
Middle School 4-5 Principal
Transportation Supervisor
Mr. John Crowder
EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Molly Howard
EL/MS Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Rhenea Shablesky
Grades: K-5
8:30 AM - Bus/Parent drop off
8:40 AM - Tardy Bell
3:15 PM Student Pick-up/Sign Out
3:30 PM - Buses Depart
Newton Falls Elementary/Middle School
905 Milton Blvd.
Newton Falls, OH 44444
Phone: 330-872-0695
Attendance: 330-872-0695 ext. 1055
Fax: 330-872-8327